When you're serious about canine training!

First and foremost, safety. A canine that has dog obedience training and is responsive to commands (also known as cues), for example, will stop and come when called, and this can prevent it from running into the street or other dangerous situations.
It’s the responsible thing to do. Too many dog parents don’t realize that dog ownership is a responsibility ─ to the dog, their family, and to the public. Dogs that are not obedient are a nuisance around the house, causing stress for the owner and family, and ─ when they resort to yelling and punishing it ─ the dog. Additionally, untrained dogs can be a liability if, for example, they jump up on a stranger and knock the person to the ground causing injury.
It allows for better enjoyment. People get pet dogs for enjoyment, and what better way is there to enjoy a dog than to have one that is well trained that you can take with you to places that allow well behaved dogs? It can be quite embarrassing to be asked to leave someplace because your dog is unruly, acting up, and is out of control! Speaking of embarrassment, it’s no fun not being able to have guests over to your house because your dog jumps up on people and is otherwise a nuisance. It’s also not fair to the dog if you have to lock it in the garage when you do have guests over ─ dogs are social creatures, and should be with their people.
It allows for better canine development. A well-behaved dog will allow for a more positive social experience around other dogs and people; each positive encounter will allow your dog to be more confident and relaxed in social situations, which in turn leads to an even more well-behaved dog! Puppy training and socialization is extremely important.
Pride. Who doesn’t like to hear, “I can’t believe how well behaved your dog is! I wish my dog was like that!”
Please, even if you don't get training through Sirius Canine Training, get training somewhere!